English - Our Curriculum
Our courses have been created in line with the following Design Principles:
Challenge and enjoyment - Our English courses encourage high aspirations for all learners. We aim to provide lessons which offer appropriate challenge for every learner. Pupils are given regular feedback which allows them to make progress in specific areas. All pupils set themselves targets in class, both English-specific and for literacy. Each pupil’s literacy targets are designed to help them focus on improving their literacy skills in all subjects across the school. We encourage independent learners who are active in their learning.
Breadth - In English, all pupils are given opportunities for a broad range of experiences. Whether we are learning to conduct ourselves in a group discussion, prepare for an assembly, or investigating a charity for our YPI project, learners develop their skills in many different contexts.
Progression – Learners experience continuous progression in their learning. Our courses are designed to build upon and extend skills learned in previous years. The skills practised in the BGE are those which are required to be successful in National Qualifications in the Senior Phase. Pupils are aware of which skills they are using and are regularly asked to evaluate their own progress.
Depth – Our courses are designed to allow pupils to experience new ways of learning and understanding. Through class and group discussion, pupils are regularly challenged to see the world in different ways. We also apply our skills to the study of real-life topics, allowing the exploration of various world events and issues.
Personalisation and choice – Lessons are designed to respond to pupils’ individual needs. There are opportunities for pupils to choose topics for study and to select texts according to preference. The department also provides a wide variety of study materials for learners to access at home.
Coherence – Our courses are designed to offer a consistent experience for pupils. Courses are clearly structured, and learners are updated both in class and remotely via platforms such as Teams. Learners are encouraged to make links to prior learning.
Relevance - Explicit links are made between the skills we learn in English and real-life contexts in which they will be used. Our lessons make clear the relevance of skills, helping to motivate our young people.