Organisation of the school day:
Opening hours are Monday-Friday 8.00am-6.00pm / 45 weeks of the year.
Nursery is open for the following:
- the February half term;
- the first week in the Easter holidays;
- the first three weeks in the Summer holidays;
- the first week in the October holidays.
Please note that these holiday weeks are for children attending on the 45-week pattern.
Children arriving between 8.00am-8.30am will use the main entrance to the Nursery.
When children are arriving at 9.00am, each coloured group has a designated outdoor space where the keyworker will be, to welcome your child.
Nursery has a Strong Starts 2-year olds provision, which is 1140 hours, Monday-Friday
9.00am-3.00pm, term time only.
Nursery staff are committed to working in partnership with parents, to ensure children attend on a regular basis.
Please keep School/Nursery up to date with telephone numbers and emergency contacts
Inform the School/Nursery of any pre-arranged absence. Inform School/Nursery if your child is going to be absent, no later than 15 minutes from the start of session, as school is obliged to contact parents/carers if their child is absent.
Settling In
It is very important that your child experiences a positive start to Nursery. Please stay with your child until they are settled, if you wish to. If you feel that it would be easier for your child if you left quickly, then your child will be supported through this by staff and the keyworker.
Please let us know if your child is ill or on holiday.
Please do not bring your child to the Nursery if he/she is not well or has something highly infectious, such as sickness and/or diarrhoea. There should be a gap of at least 48 hours between the last bout of sickness and/or diarrhoea and the child returning to Nursery.
Under the Health & Safety rules, Nursery staff are not allowed to dispense medicines unless absolutely necessary. No medicines should be brought into the Nursery. Where medicines do require to be dispensed, medicines should have clear instructions from the GP/Pharmacy and permission from the parent should be obtained in the form of completion of Medical Forms which will be provided by the Nursery. No medication can be stored or administered without the completion of these forms.
ELC settings are not permitted to hold non-prescribed medication. Should this be required parents should provide clear written instructions and parents’ permission obtained in the form of the completion of Medical Forms which will be provided by the Nursery. No medication can be stored or administered without the completion of these forms.
If your child becomes ill during Nursery every effort will be made to contact you.
If you are unable to collect your child personally please inform staff of your replacement, who must be a person of 16+ and known to your child.
If weather conditions are poor and deteriorating please phone the school prior to setting out. If the school has to close during the day you will be contacted.