Pitlochry High School

R e s p e c t
Life at Pitlochry High School Life at Pitlochry High School Life at Pitlochry High School Life at Pitlochry High School Life at Pitlochry High School


Primary 1 -3       Primary 4-7
Morning 9am - 12.10         Morning 9am - 12.20
Interval 10.30 -10.50         Interval 10:30 - 10.50
Lunch 12.10 - 13.10         Lunch 12.20 - 13.20
Afternoon 13.10 - 15.30         Afternoon 13.20 - 15.30

Pitlochry High School is a combined Nursery/Primary/Secondary school and in this section all references to the school will relate to the Primary Department.

The school is non-denominational and serves as the Primary school for all pupils in the town of Pitlochry and pupils living to the north as far as Aldclune, to the west to a point just east of the Loch Tummel Hotel and to the south almost to Moulinearn. Parents living outside the designated area who wish to send their children to Pitlochry High School must obtain the permission of the Head of Service Highland Perthshire, Education and Children’s Services, Perth and Kinross Council, Pullar House, Kinnoull Street, Perth and pay all travelling expenses for the children.

The school is of modern, open plan design and was completed in 1976, sharing with the Secondary Department such facilities as:

  •  the administration area and the school office;
  •  the assembly hall;
  •  the dining centre.

The present roll in the primary is 187 and the school provides education at all Primary stages after admission at 4½-5½ years, until transfer to Secondary at the end of Primary 7. At present we have 8 Primary classes covering the 7 Primary stages.

The nursery has a roll of 46 with children attending a morning or afternoon session.

The main aim of the school is to provide a secure, caring and happy environment in which pupils may grow and develop, so as to make the most of their own talents and abilities. Within that environment, we seek to develop habits of hard work and a spirit of enquiry which will prepare them for the adult world. A strong emphasis is placed on respect for other people both within school and in the outside wider community.


 Please check individual class pages for detail.

Transport Arrangements - Primary

Free school transport is provided by the Education Service for primary pupils who live more than two miles from their designated primary school, when measured by the shortest possible walking route.

Bus passes are issued where suitable public transport exists and contract transport is arranged where there is no suitable public transport. Vacant seats on contract transport may be available on a concessionary basis to pupils who are not normally entitled to free school transport.

Pupils to the north requiring transport are conveyed as appropriate by the service buses from Struan and Kinloch Rannoch. Pupils on the Cluniemore side of the river and pupils in the high drive/East Haugh area are uplifted and returned each day by taxi, bus or mini-bus.

All afternoon transport leaves at 3.30pm. Each year in the summer term, parents are advised of the conditions entitling pupils to free transport and notified that applications should be completed online at https://www.pkc.gov.uk/article/17284/Schools-transport-and-trips.  If unable to complete online, application forms can be found at the school office, or any PKC office.

Times of all transport are given to parents each year and any changes notified immediately.