Pitlochry High School

R e s p e c t
Life at Pitlochry High School Life at Pitlochry High School Life at Pitlochry High School Life at Pitlochry High School Life at Pitlochry High School

Primary 1

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Week 2 -6 September - Numeracy

This week we have been focussing on dice -quick recognition and repeating patterns.

The class have been playing games in pairs to practise reading the dice quickly, which you have also been practising at home.

We have also started looking at repeating patterns, and have used a range of resources to create our own repeating patterns.

Homework news

Homework will be set and collected on a MONDAY to allow you time throughout the week to revisit the sounds and complete games. A little everyday is always better than a long chunk, particularly when learning the sounds. Also no longer than 10 mins at a time for writing practise. 

Mrs O'Connor