Pitlochry High School

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National 4/5 Chemistry course description


The National 4/5 Chemistry  course builds on the Level 3 science outcomes that pupils covered in S1/2. The course covers the suitable Level 4 Science Outcomes.

The main aims for the course are for learners to

  • Acquire and apply knowledge and understanding of chemistry concepts.
  • Develop scientific and analytical thinking skills in a chemistry context.
  • Develop applied problem solving skills in a chemistry context.
  • Develop an understanding of chemistrys role in scientific issues
  • Develop understanding of how chemical products are formed and why they are formed.
  • Develop understanding of relevant applications of chemistry in society

Course content

Chemical Changes and Structure

This covers Rates of Reaction, Atomic Structure & Bonding related to properties of materials, Formulae and Reaction Quantities and Acids and Bases.

Natures Chemistry

Fossil Fuels & Alternatives, Homologous series, Chemical Reactions and Energy from Fuels.

Chemistry in Society

Metals, Plastics, Ceramic materials, Energy Changes of Chemical Reactions. Agrochemicals, Chemical Analysis and Nuclear Chemistry.


National 4

The national 4 course will be internally. Pupils will sit assessments and gather evidence over the course of the 2 years. There is no final exam.

National 5

Component 1: Question paper           80 Marks

This will give learners the opportunity to demonstrate the following skills , knowledge and understanding :

  • Integrate and apply chemistry knowledge and understanding
  • Apply scientific enquiry skills
  • Apply scientific analytical thinking skills
  • Explain the impact of chemistry on applications on society/the environment

Component 2: Assignment                20 Marks

This question paper will give learners an opportunity to demonstrate the following skills, knowledge and understanding:

  •  Investigate/research an appropriate chemistry topic / issue
  • Process the information gathered, using scientific investigative/research skills.
  • Apply knowledge and understanding related to the topic/issue.
  • Present a reasoned and well-developed conclusion, supported by evidence.

Total                                           100 Marks


Successful completion of the National 4 Chemistry course allows progression to National 5 in Biology, Chemistry or Physics.

Successful completion of the National 5 Chemistry course allows progression to Higher.