Pitlochry High School

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Life at Pitlochry High School Life at Pitlochry High School Life at Pitlochry High School Life at Pitlochry High School Life at Pitlochry High School

Info for Parents

Tuesday 29th October – Home Learning




Health & Wellbeing

Daily Walk

Cutting skills

Take a wee walk around your community or garden. What can you hear, feel, touch and smell.

Draw a line on a piece of paper – can you child cut along the line to the top. If they can you can expend the activity by asking them to cut around drawn shapes.





Regular dot patters

Using dominoes or dice can your child recognise the regular dot patterns.


Drawing and name writing


Ask you child to draw with you, draw Halloweeny characters, pumpkins or decorations for the house.


Monday 28th October – Home Learning




Health & Wellbeing

Rhythmic Dancing and Halloweeny Cosmic Yoga

Dance - Lets Star Jump Halloween - Family Halloween Songs For Kids 🎃

Yoga - Funny Skeleton Halloween Yoga | Cosmic Kids


1to1 Correspondence

Using household objects such as beads, buttons, Lego or dried pasta can you count to objects from one bowl/plate to another.


Name writing & Story Time

Practise writing your childs name with them, if they cannot write their name focus on the individual letters.

Example – C is for Chris  


Friday - 25 October 2024




Health & Wellbeing

Animal den building – Fine Motor

Take a nature walk either in the community or in the garden, collect sticks, leaves or anything you can build an animal den with.




Using your sticks, stones or leaves or other household objects, make a pattern and ask your child to complete the last step of the pattern or ask them to create their own patterns.


Able to name three things from a common category

Ask you child to name three things about autumn or the changing seasons.


Thursday - 24 October 2024




Health & Wellbeing

Daily walk – maps / treasure maps


When out and about for your daily walk ask your child to make a map of where they are going, they can use anything they can find on the ground. This can also be a treasure map!




Using household items ask your child to measure and weigh the objects to find out which is lightest/heaviest or taller/smaller


Reading – retelling evens and characters


Read a story to your child and asked them to retell parts of the story and describe characters.

Wednesday - 23 October 2024




Health & Wellbeing

Salt Dough – Hedgehogs






CBBC – Teeny Tiny Hedgehogs

Using Salt Dough from yesterday add leaves, sticks and stones from your nature walks to make design your own Hedgehogs


Teeny Tiny Creatures - Series 2 - Chantelle and Rory: 6. Hedgehogs - BBC iPlayer



Prepositions (directional language)

Hide a toy woodland animal or toy of your choice in different places – encourage children to use directional language to tell where the toy is hiding.


Is the toy BEHIND the cushion? Etc


Where’s the monkey video




21 October 2024 Nursery – Online Day 1.

Below are  few ideas for your child's learning .  We hope you can enjoy the outside sunshine at some point today. Continue to enjoy play with your child and we will put out more updates tomorrow.

Health & Wellbeing

Go for a short nature walk, either outside in the community or around your own garden. Collect leaves, sticks and stones to make Leaf Art

When you’re outside talk about the changing seasons and differences between them. Why are the leaves brown, why do they fall from the trees etc.


When out on your nature walk measure your sticks and leaves, which ones are bigger? Use language like Big, Bigger, Biggest. What items are heaviest a which are lightest.


Read a autumnal book, talk about the characters and themes. Here is a link to 'Leaf Man' by Lois Ehlert , that you can listen to online. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAQrfSNUq8Q


Registration for Nursery Session 2022/23


You can apply online for 2022/23 places in our nursery setting at http://my.pkc.gov.uk/service/ELC_apply


Applicants will need to upload a photo / scan of their child’s birth certificate and may need a photo / scan / screenshot of their current council tax bill and a recent utility bill.  For more information on childcare provision in the Perth and Kinross area, visit www.pkc.gov.uk/families.

 Parenting & Family Learning Support April 2020 - please see the links below:

Parenting Leaflet.pdf                

All primary children recently had a visit from the NSPCC to learn about keeping safe.  Here are some links for parents… 


A resource for parents aimed at keeping children safe on social networks – information here http://www.nspcc.org.uk/preventing-abuse/keeping-children-safe/share-aware/


The NSPCC Schools Service has recently visited all children in Primary 6 & 7 to provide them with key messages about keeping safe.  It can be beneficial for these messages to be reinforced at home. The NSPCC has developed some guides for all parents of primary school aged children  to speak to your child about keeping safe – called the Underwear rule.

 You can find guides to the Underwear Rule to help you have simple conversations about keeping safe from abuse at www.nspcc.org.uk/underwear

 You can speak to an advisor for further advice or request a hard-copy guide for parents and carers by phoning the NSPCC Helpline on 0808 800 5000. You can also visit www.nspcc.org.uk/parents for other advice on keeping your child safe.