Primary 2
p2 newsletter october 2024.pdf
We collected leaves to make animal art.
We worked together to work make a class charter to work towards to help us do our best at school.
Dear Parents/Carers
Welcome to Primary 2. We have had a good start to the term with all the children settling in well. They are all happy and engaged in class and have made a great start on their P2 learning. This newsletter will outline the weekly timetable general class information and give you an overview of the plan of learning for this term.
PE - the class has PE on a Tuesday and Wednesday this term. On Tuesday we have P.E first thing in the morning, so please send your child in their P.E kit with school clothes to change into afterwards. In we may be outdoor on any day. Please send your child prepared for all weathers.
Tuesday: P.E and Library
Wednesday P.E
General Information
Picking up /dropping off - please let me know if someone other than Mum or Dad is going to be picking up your child. Thank you.
School Uniform - please ensure your all your child’s belongings are clearly marked with their name to avoid too many lost jumpers, shoes, lunch tubs etc!
In this cold and variable weather please ensure your child brings waterproof clothing and shoes/boots to school so they can enjoy playing outside. It’s always handy to have a pair of inside shoes/gym shoes too, so that if they get wet feet at playtime, they have something to change into. It would be great if you could leave a pair of gym shoes at school for children to use as spares.
Learning in Primary 2
Read Write Inc is the scheme we are following this year to cover phonics, reading and tools for writing.
Numeracy – this term we will focus on Numbers to 100 and addition, as well as making and interpreting graphs.
Topic - We will be looking at improving our geography skills with a focus on where we are in the world, the school and the local area. We will also be working hard to improve our listening skills this term!
Miss Anderson
Class Teacher