Study Support is offered throughout your time at Pitlochry High School, come and see me to book an appointment.
Miss Robertson
Revision Resources
BBC Bitesize History
Immigrants & Exiles
International Slavery Museum
Spartacus Educational
National 5 revision resources for pupils & parents
The History department is well resources with revision books, revision notes and additional reading pupils can borrow to deepen their knowledge on exam topics.
National 4 / 5 History Course Descriptor
In National 4 and 5 History candidates build on the skills they have gained in the Broad General Education (S1-3) to develop their understanding of the world by learning about other people and their values, in different times, places and circumstances. The course helps candidates to develop a map of the past and an appreciation and understanding of the forces which have shaped the world today.
A knowledge and understanding of historical events helps candidates to function as effective contributors to society. They develop important attitudes such as: confidence; an open mind and respect for the values, beliefs and cultures of others; openness to new thinking and ideas; and a sense of responsibility and global citizenship.
Unit structure:
Historical Study: Scottish - Migration & Empire 1830-1939
Historical Study: British - The Atlantic Slave Trade 1770-1807
Historical Study: European and World - Hitler and Nazi Germany 1919-39
Assessment National 4
The National 4 course will be internally assessed through the assessment of each unit. Pupils will also be assessed on an Added Value Unit (AVU) where they will carry out a research project into an historical topic and present their findings.
Assessment National 5
The National 5 the course will be externally assessed as outlined below. The units done as part of the course will also be assessed to check the pupil’s level of understanding of each unit.
Course Assessment National 5
Component 1: Question paper 80 marks
The question paper is made up of three sections. In the paper pupils can be asked to describe an event or development, explain an event or development, analyse a historical issue, place a source in its historical context, compare two sources and evaluate the usefulness of a source.
Component 2: Assignment 20 Marks
The purpose of the National 5 History assignment is for candidates to demonstrate their ability to apply their skills, knowledge and understanding to answer a historical question of their choice.
The 20 marks available are divided across eight stages (introducing, referencing, knowledge, analysing, evaluating, organising, concluding, and supporting a conclusion). The assignment requires candidates to select an appropriate question/issue and write an extended response under controlled conditions within 1 hour and in one sitting.
Total: 100 Marks
Pupils achieving National 4 in History can progress to History at National 5 level, or pick a new Social Subject.
Pupils achieving a good pass at National 5 in History can progress to Higher History in S5 and Advanced Higher in S6.